Goran Sergej Pristaš

May 16 at 6.00 pm
Venue: Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana
Duration: 90 minutes

Memories Are Made Of This... Performance Notes is a project that metaphorically travels through the complex topology of memory. It takes the name of a popular Dean Martin song while at the same time exercising F. Scott Fitzgerald’s observation that “the test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function.” BADco. approaches the topic of memory via a process that is intrinsic to it – forgetting – thus suggesting two possible ways of entering this complex subject matter. It chooses the path of vacuity, blankness, deletion, and later, mental fissures, and emotional crack-ups. The project operates as a notebook, a collection of performance notes, and/or notes for a performance.

In 2000, BADco. was founded by Pravdan Devlahović, Tomislav Medak, Goran Sergej Pristaš, Nikolina Pristaš, and Ivana Sajko. BADco. is a collaborative performance group from Zagreb. Their work is characterised less by choice of theme than by the production of problems, in other words the exploration of certain questions through specific methods of artistic self-organisation in the work process. The artists conceive of their work as a performance machine that can be plugged into various contexts (social, political, intimate, dance, and artistic).

Director: Goran Sergej Pristaš
Co-authors and performers: Pravdan Devlahović, Ana Kreitmeyer, Krešimir Mikić, Nikolina Pristaš, Zrinka Užbinec & Damir Bartol Indoš
Dramaturgy: Ivana Ivković
Stage design: Tor Lindstrand
Software programmer: Daniel Fischer
Film: Nicolas Siepen 
Light design: Miljenko Bengez
Costume design: Silvio Vujičić
Graphic design: Gordan Karabogdan
Production: BADco.
Co-production: Intercult, Stockholm; Student Center - Culture of Change and Teatar &TD, Zagreb




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